Register to eLSE Conference


  1. Each person interested to participate at eLSE conference have to be registered as author or attendee.

  2. The registration process covers the participation for one person.

  3. The Conference Fees for authors are:

    Industry & Corporate2251000
    Academia & Government115500
    Students & Young PhD Candidates (under 30 years)70300
    Carol I National Defence University Personnel-250

    The displayed fees include publication of one paper, conference materials, book of abstracts, a CD or USB Flash drive which includes all conference papers, coffee breaks, 2 course buffet lunch and 1 dinner.

    For publication of an extra paper as main author a 250 Lei (55 Euro) fee will be paid.

    In order to avoid refunding, authors are advised to wait the email regarding paper acceptance, after the review process, before paying the conference fee.

  4. The Conference Fee for attendees is free of charge. For details click here.

  5. The length of the final paper should be no more than 8 pages in A4 size, including figures, tables and references.

  6. All conference phases (abstract upload, paper upload, blind review process, record of payments, etc.) will be done only through the conference site.

  7. Publication of paper in conference proceedings is conditioned by paper presentation.

  8. If you already have an account please Go to the login page

  9. If you forgot your account credentials please select Forgot Password

  10. If is the first participation at eLSE conference please Create an account

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