eLearning and Software for Education conference – eLSE 2023

posted on May 4, 2023

eLearning and Software for Education  conference – eLSE 2023

" eLearning and Software for Education " - eLSE 2023, was organized by the "Carol I" National Defense University in collaboration with the European Defense and Security College (ESDC).

At the opening of this activity, the commander (rector) of the "Carol I" National Defense University, Air Flotilla General Dr. Eugen Mavriş, Holger Osterrieder, director of the ESDC, prof. Dr. Lucian Ciolan, the vice-rector of the University of Bucharest, emphasized that this conference has been a point of reference for the community of interest in the field of eLearning and software for education for 19 years, managing to attract, from one edition to another, new representatives from a variety of sectors.

This year's central theme was "Moving from macro to micro (microlearning and microcredits)," these directions being the ones that will develop education and training, and the conference allowed discussions about this future scientific interaction between academic entities, of research and corporations, with various profiles and orientations. The work was led by Colonel Dr. Alin Bodescu, deputy commander of the "Carol I" National Defense University. Among the personalities of the scientific world present in the room, we mention Dr. Sae Schatz, former director of ADL Colab USA, Dr. Aaron Presnall, Jefferson Institute USA, Dr. Jannicke Baalsrud Hauge, Royal Institute of Technology Sweden, Mr. Andy Johnson, ADL Initiative USA, Prof. Dr. Ion Roceanu the National University of Defense "Carol I," Mrs. Peggy Garza, George C. Marshall European Center for Security Studies. On behalf of ESDC, Mr. Jerzy Sypek and Mr. Georgica Panfil participated, training managers, who presented the theme " Evolution of ESDC's strategic environment in the context of current challenges related to peace, security, and defense. eLearning as a development factor".

Solutions to problems specific to the academic environment were presented in a manner that would stimulate the potential of technology-enhanced learning environments. The participants of the two activities used the eLSE conference as a forum for the exchange of ideas, presenting the research results at the level of the institutions from which they come, and as a novelty, they were also accompanied by technical demonstrations in the field of artificial intelligence, virtual reality, simulation , combating plagiarism by professors and students from the " Carol I " National Defense University, Military Technical Academy, "Nicolae Balcescu" Land Forces Academy, "Henri Coandă" Air Force Academy, "Mircea del Bătrân" Naval Academy, by Ascendia companies, Plagiarism – Antiplagiarism System and Altfactor.

Thematic workshops and round tables were organized for more than 100 accepted papers. Also, four virtual rooms were available to the participants in which topics such as: "Pedagogy and psychology in the new learning environments," "Technological innovations in eLearning", and "Best practices in the field of online education and training" were exposed online. , "Lifelong learning", "eLearning in a non-formal and informal context," "Professional development," and "Serious games and gamification".

The organizers invite you to prepare a scientific paper and join the eLSE 2024 conference in April next year.

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